Sunday, January 19, 2014

More pictures - how to increase retweets and overall visual tweets

How to visually increase your tweet responses - "with retweets"

According to "TrackMaven" , in their Retweet Report, report's have shown that Including pictures into tweets, have a large  effect on the number of retweets a tweet can receive. Showing in the picture a tweet without a picture receives 0.133 retweets, opposed to the fascinating number of retweets shown that a tweet with a picture receives on avgerage 0.4 retweets. A rounded increase of 4 time's the amount of no-picture tweets! 

what does this tell us? People want content, in this case that content being pictures, pictures, Oh...and more pictures.  A simple technique to increase viability and sale's if that's y turn poison your targeting. 

Now we have the initial action down to increase retweets, the next graph and study will show how effect your tweets with pictures are after they've been tweeted onto your timeline.... 

The effectiveness of pictures in regards to the number of retweets a tweet will receive is clear with the graph above, but it’s even more apparent post-picture previews on the Twitter Timeline.

After a more visual timeline was introduced on the new Twitter, it only increased the likelihood in more retweets. "Post-previewed" picture tweets receive on average of 0.496 more retweets.

What does this mean? 
1. An audience doesn't want only word's, they feed off of content, rich content, and cannot get enough of it! 

2. This doesn't mean tweet about, for example, "your workout" and post a picture of a piece of food. Relevance is key, meaning stick to the basics and know your audience like in the last post. 

A new revolution is starting, apps, infographics...that's the new present and future