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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Do you think the E-mail sector of Social Networking is lost?

Is E-mail Social networking lost for good?

What does E-mail even mean?
According to Trackmaven.com
"Email is an electronic form of mail to exchange messages between senders and receivers. Email has been around since 1993 and still represents a large channel of communication. Over 100 billion emails are sent per day around the world. Emails can be sent in different formats with text or with images and with different clients such as, Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.Email is sending marketing messages to people via email. Generally, marketing emails will solicit an action from the recipient. This could include requests to buy products, fill out a survey, etc. Marketers using email marketing will often send emails containing advertisements, promotions, and incentives to encourage business or spread brand awareness. "

So, the definition right there explains well over 1000 words about E-mail Networking, as well as marketing. If you stop, sit back, and really think about it, E-mail in general have been around longer than any other social communication network.